About last Sunday

I am one lucky girl. That's one thing that passed my mind last Sunday. No, I didn't win the lottery. No, my bank account is still getting thinner and thinner by day. No, Tintin didn't suddenly become a real life person and showed up at my house (okay that one was a bit lame and creepy for most people). Although, the next best group of people did show up at my house, reminding me how lucky I was, how lucky I am.

A lot of the time, "I wish I was..." and "I wish I had..." passed my mind. I would look at Instagram, Facebook, and other social media where people post pictures and updates of their seemingly perfect life and wished that I was them. I look up to the people above me who have more, and I envy them. What I have often forgotten is that people don't tend to post the down side of their life, and everyone have their own problems. People who have more, might have more problems as well, only I wouldn't know as they wouldn't normally show their problems. I have often forgotten what a fortunate life I have, as I was too busy looking up and not look down.

Firstly health, is one of the thing that I often overlook and take for granted. I should be more grateful about my health, only after hearing news of illnesses that people got that I realized, health is one of the most precious thing I have, and yet I sometimes don't take care of it enough. Secondly family, by having a family which I love and loves me back, I am already lucky by having a loving family as not everyone in the world has it. My family fulfills my life more than I realized, and I should be thankful for them everyday. Thirdly my friends, whom sometimes I am not as nice to as I probably should be. Sometimes I don't think that I deserve the efforts that they've put in for me, I don't know how to express my gratitude for them. 

To have health, a family, friends, a home, food to eat everyday, be in University, and other things I have right now, I am more lucky than I realized. I should be more grateful for the things that I have, than moan about the things that I don't have. I might not have a luxurious house or a fancy car, but the things that I have might be a luxury to a lot of people in the world. I should remember that a lot of people is not as fortunate. 

There's a little thought of self reminder that passed through my mind, as I turned 21 last Sunday. To those who came 175 miles down to my house, and reminded me of how lucky I was, thank you. 

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