Meant to be

Sometimes things happen to you, something that at the time feels bad, unfortunate, unfavourable. In my case, I had a problem at my workplace. I won't go into the details, but at the time, I was living by myself and my husband has moved to France for work and we were going to try a long distance relationship because it was my first job and it seemed promising, a big company, and I was on course on becoming a chartered engineer. But when the problem arose, I decided to leave and move to France to accompany my husband.

It took a bit of time, to deal with paperwork and making a French visa, selling my stuff and packing everything up. It was such a sudden change, one day I was working, thinking I would be working for the foreseeable future, and the next day I didn't have a job anymore. But I tried to just focus on getting the visa and to pack up, so that I can leave as soon as possible. All in all, it took about two months before I was able to move and in November 2019, I started a new chapter in Grenoble.

It has been difficult finding a job in Grenoble. There isn't many engineering job that is within my field, and I don't speak French well enough to do other jobs or even to volunteer. To be honest, I feel scared to apply for jobs. The idea of an interview scared me. Yes, I have been on interviews and assessment centres before, but I don't like it. I just feel demotivated to apply for jobs, I don't feel confident, I just feel like I'm not good enough. Scrolling through social media doesn't help...yes I'm happy for others who are progressing in their careers but they kinda gave pressure to myself (it seems that nowadays people my age are managers in their 9-5 jobs whilst having a business whilst becoming a politician whilst also being a parent and giving big talks here and there - maybe a slight exaggeration but you get the gist). I mean, woweee how do they do it?? I'm here figuring out how to order beef cuts at the boucherie!

However, I am so glad to have moved here. I can't imagine it otherwise. As cheesy as it sounds, everyday is a memory to be treasured together with my husband. It's nice to be sharing and experiencing new things together, both the good and the bad (oh yes, all the struggles not being able to speak french!). Especially now with the pandemic, I cannot imagine if my husband and I were in separate country, with no idea when we can meet again, since we would need a visa to visit each other.

The problem that happened at my workplace gave me a few lessons. That family is a priority. That everything happens for a reason. To trust God, for God is the best planner of all. To take my time, as everyone has their own timelines. To be grateful, to be humble. Realise what the important things are in life.

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