Easter update

It is 5 days into the Easter break, and I think it is going great for me so far. I did my usual routine on Saturday, Oxfam in the morning and angklung in the afternoon, then a roast with the flatmates at night. We had the usual stuff for the roast; chicken, roast potatoes, veggies, big mushroom with cheese and peppers inside, and gravy of course. We were feeling a bit adventurous so we stuffed the chicken with soft cheese with garlic and herbs (real adventurous (!)). It was very nice indeed, the picture doesn't do it justice because this was just a quick picture that I sent to a friend (and I didn't take any other picture cos I'm just no good at taking food picture *excuses*)

According the BBC weather, the weather on Sunday was gonna be nice so I decided to go to Peak District with some friends. Peak District is probably the best thing about living in Sheffield, and I can't believe I've not had a walk there until the start of third year (I'm glad I still have fourth year to discover Peak District a bit more!). We went to a place where we have been before but last time the fog was so thick that we weren't able to see anything. So we went to the same area but went to different route. Even though the climb was so, so, so tiring (so steep and never ending) but the view, oh my God the view, was magnificent. It was slightly misty but it was beautiful nevertheless. I was so glad I didn't just stay home that day, especially as the sun started to come out as the day went on.

On Monday, my aerospace friends and I decided to go to Manchester Airport for plane spotting. We wanted to see international landings with the big aircrafts (B777, A330, etc) so we had to go early in the morning. We didn't take into account that everyone else are not in Easter holiday so of course there was traffic. We missed some landings, but we still got to see some good take offs (even B787) and also an A380 landing. The weather was terrible though, just like last time we went plane spotting and have a Concorde tour in Manchester Airport runway park. It seems that Manchester is the home of rainy weather. But we had a good time nevertheless, our avgeek spirit kept us standing through the wind and rain... *cue dramatic music*. In the evening I decided to make cireng (Indonesian snack) with my flatmate. I tried making it before but failed because the recipe said to put coconut milk in it which was completely wrong according to my mum. But this time, the cireng didn't turn out too bad, at least it actually tasted like cireng!

Just yesterday, the weather was a lot better than the past couple of days. Whenever the weather is good, I refuse to just stay at home. Sunshine is rare in England so when it is out you should make the most out of it. So I decided to have a walk to Crookes, which is one of the area in Sheffield that is pretty high up. I went to Bole Hills, a park located quite a high up in Sheffield so you have a view of the city. After climbing up the hilly road (which I swear was near to 45 degrees slope or more) the view on from Bole Hills was definitely worth the climb. I don't know why I've never tried to find places like this in Sheffield until now. 

Now I can't wait to go back to Bristol and eat my momma's cooking! 

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